
The information contained on this website is provided solely for general informative purposes to the clients and friends of Ruby de Jure, PLLC. No information found on this website is intended as solicitation for business or as legal advice nor should one act upon this information without seeking the advice of legal counsel. Ruby de Jure, PLLC is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of the information on this website. Visiting this site or contacting Ruby de Jure, PLLC via e-mail, phone, social media, text or otherwise does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. Listing of related or included practice areas in the information, including attorney information, does not constitute or imply a representation of certification of specialization. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. All materials contained in this site, including any copyrights therein, are either exclusively owned by or licensed to Ruby de Jure, PLLC. Ruby de Jure, PLLC assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this website. Any information transmitted via this website or email is not confidential, and is not secure against disclosure to parties other than your intended recipient.